Hi !
I wish to acknowledge the following people, to whom I owe a great deal of thanks, for their contributions to my research and the many others who have stumbled upon my site, found they have a connection and have helped extend the information I have.

- Harry Iversen, Sandefjord
- Nils Audun Gerhardsen, Stord
- Odd Handagård, Tromsø
- Jan Bjerknes, Bødalen
- Stein Erik Gilje, Fitjar
- Dagfinn Langsøe, Trondheim
- Jan O. Helness, Røyken
- Stein Ole Kjær, Hamar
- Ludvig Dundas, Kristiansand
- Espen Tjernhaugen, Nesodden
- Keith Thomsen, Duluth, MN.
- Colin Keith Thomsen, Minneapolis, MN.
- Rick Gerhardson, Bloomington, MN.
- Conrad Jay Thomsen, Isle, MN.
- Neil Thomsen, MN.
- Carolyn Thomsen Mutchler, WA
- Ervin Erdahl, WI
- Janet Minett, WA

- Kent Williamson, Stockholm
- Mikael Landberg, Uddevalla
- Bo-Lennart Andersson, Borås
Webbmaster Borås Släktforskare

- Helgi Gestson, Reykjavik
- Oddur Helgason, Reykjavik
I also wish to thank the countless people I've met through various libraries and archives who have volunteered their time and skills to help me with my research.
Without you, none of what I have achieved would have been possible.
© 2003 - 2019, Roger Fossum postmaster@slektsforskning.com