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Digitalarkivet: Online searchable databases from the National Archives of Norway and the University of Bergen. - New data is added often. - Church registers:
Digitalarkivet: Online searchable databases from the National Archives of Norway and the University of Bergen. - New data is added often. - The 1660 Census - The 1801 Census - The 1865 Census - The 1875 Census - The 1900 Census RHD: Registreringssentral for historiske data - The 1865 Census - The 1875 Census - The 1900 Census
Emigration from Hordaland 1825 - 1924 : Online searchable databases. Registration in progress... Only in Norwegian. Emigration from Masfjorden in Hordaland 1844 - 1924 : Online searchable databases from INFORMASJONSSENTER FOR NORDHORDLAND OG GULEN. Digitalarkivet: Online searchable databases from the National Archives of Norway and the University of Bergen. - New data is added often. - Emigrants: - Norwegians in US: - Norwegians in the 1850 US census - Norwegians in the 1860 census for Texas - Norwegians in the 1860 census for Wisconsin - Norwegians in the 1870 census for Texas - Norwegians in the 1880 census for the Dakota Territory - Norwegians in the 1880 census for Illinois - Norwegians in the 1880 census for Iowa - Norwegians in the 1880 census for Kansas - Norwegians in the 1880 census for Michigan - Norwegians in the 1880 census for Minnesota - Norwegians in the 1880 census for Nebraska - Norwegians in the 1880 census for Nevada - Norwegians in the 1880 census for New Hampshire - Norwegians in the 1880 census for New Jersey - Norwegians in the 1880 census for New Mexico - Norwegians in the 1880 census for Texas - Norwegians in the 1880 census for Wisconsin - Norwegian Emigration to USA 1825-2000 - The Transatlantic Crossing, Norwegian emigrants on the Atlantic Story of how the Norwegians going to America in the time between 1825 and 1925 would travel. Also gives some insight into the amazing development in how ships were constructed and the transportation arranged to meet the demands of the increasing number of people on the move. Even though this is about the experience of Norwegian emigrants, the experiences and conditions of travel will be much the same regardless of nationality. - The S/S Atlantic of the White Star Line, Disaster in 1873 Includes a listing of the the Norwegian and Scandinavian passengers on the ship when it went down off Halifax in 1873 - Norway in America. The bibliographical Collections of Thor M. Andersen (TMA) An on-line bibliography of documents printed between 1825 and 1930 in Norway and the US by and/or about Norwegian emigrants to the US and Canada. - Fylkesarkivet i Sogn og Fjordane - Emigration Site for Finnmark County, Norway The emigration list contains names of people who emigrated from Alta and Vadsø, Finnmark, North-Norway area, via Trondheim between 1867 - 1925 to USA and Canada. - The Norwegian Emigration Center in Stavanger - The Norwegian Emigrant Museum
- Multimap.com Maps over largest cities and location. - Interactive maps from Norge.no - you can zoom in on Fylkes (e.g., Oppland) to the Kommune level (in Norwegian) - Maps showing boundaries for parishes, counties (amt) and towns in the 1801 census, as well as the boundaries for municipalities in 1979.
Free search site for place names and addresses in Norway combined with maps in different scales.
- The National Archives (Statsarkivet): The Norwegian State Archives System (Arkivverket) consists of the National Archives (Riksarkivet), covering the central administrative institutions, and eight regional state archives (statsarkiv), covering the local branches of the state administration. In the National Archives there are archives back to the Middle Ages and from the union with Denmark up to 1814. The newer archives come from ministries and other central administrative offices, as well as the Supreme High Court. In the regional state archives there are archives from vicars, judges etc. Such documents may be church books, probate records and mortgage registers. - The regional State Archives in Oslo (Østfold, Oslo, Akershus) - Dokumentasjonsprosjektet At the four Universities in Norway there are many museums and collections that contain information on a wide range of aspects of Norwegian language and culture. The Viking Ship Museum at Bygdøy, Oslo, and the historical museums and the museums of natural history in Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim, and Tromsø are well-known. However, there are other, less well-known collections that are comprehensive and important. Some of these are: Norsk Folkeminnesamling (the Norwegian Collection of Folklore), Norsk folkemusikksamling (the Norwegian Collection of Folk Music), Myntkabinettet (the Collection of Coins and Medals), Runearkivet (The Runes Archives), and large collections of place names and other aspects of the Norwegian language. - University of Oslo Library (UBO) - Fylkesarkivet i Sogn og Fjordane - Family History Centers in Norway From the FamilySearch web site. Includes address, telephone number and hours of operation. - The Norwegian Emigration Center in Stavanger - The Norwegian Emigrant Museum
- Norsk Slektshistorisk Forening (NSF) The Norwegian Genealogical Society - DIS-Norge The Norwegian Genealogy Computer Interest Group - A common forum for anyone interested in using computers as a tool in genealogical research in Norway. From the homepage there are lots of link to Norwegian sources and other sources for interest for search in Norwegian relatives in Norway and abroad - Landslaget for lokalhistorie Societies & Groups sorted by county (Fylke): Akershus.
DIS-Oslo/Akershus Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: DIS-Oslo/Akershus, Ullevålsveien 1, 0165 Oslo E-post: epost@oa.disnorge.no Homepage: http://oa.disnorge.no/ Asker og Bærum historielag Historical Society in Akershus. Postal adress: v/Karin Solberg, Gjønnesv. 30, 1356 Bekkestua E-post: an-ile@online.no Homepage: http://www.abporten.no/lag/kor/abhistorie/ Blaker og Sørum historielag Historical Society in Akershus. Postal adress: v/Svein Sandnes, Postboks 62, 1927 Rånåsfoss E-post: svein.sandnes@nrk.no Homepage: http://sorum.historielag.no/ Nesodden historielag Historical Society in Akershus. Postal adress: v/Per Nordal, Tangenvn. 111, 1450 Nesoddtangen E-post: http://www.nesodden.historielag.org/index.htm Oppegård historielag Historical Society in Akershus. Postal adress: Postboks 12, 1411 Kolbotn E-post: info@Oppegaard-Historielag.org Homepage: http://oppegaard-historielag.org/ Romerike historielag Historical Society in Akershus. Postal adress: Postboks 175, 2021 Skedsmokorset E-post: Homepage: http://romerike.historielag.no/
DIS-Aust-Agder Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: DIS-AUST-AGDER, v/ daglig leder, Postboks 36, 4801 ARENDAL E-post: epost@aa.disnorge.no Homepage: http://aa.disnorge.no/ Gjerstad historielag Historical Society in Aust-Agder. Postal adress: v/Olav Ulltveit-Moe, 4993 Sundebru E-post: Homepage: http://www.gjerstad.org/historielaget/ Historielaget for Dypvåg, Holt og Tvedestrand Historical Society in Aust-Agder. Postal adress: v/Rolf Siljedal, Sia, 4916 Borøy E-post: janoas@frisurf.no Homepage: http://www.tvedestrand-historielag.org/ Landvik historielag Historical Society in Aust-Agder. Postal adress: v/Knut Møretrø, Reddalsveien 250, 4886 Grimstad E-post: klunden@online.no Homepage: http://home.c2i.net/johanneshavstad/lh/ Søndeled og Risør historielag Historical Society in Aust-Agder. Postal adress: v/Jan-Einar Henriksen, Krantoppen 7, 4950 Risør E-post: leder@sondeled-risor.historielag.org Homepage: http://www.sondeled-risor.historielag.org/
DIS-Buskerud Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: c/o Remi Pedersen, Mårveien 6, 3600 Kongsberg E-post: epost@bu.disnorge.no Homepage: http://bu.disnorge.no/ Buskerud Slektshistorielag Slektshistorielag i Buskerud. Postal adress: Buskerud Slektshistorielag, Postboks 1575, 3007 Drammen E-post: tore.lowe@c2i.net Homepage: http://www.buskerud.fylkesbibl.no/bshl/ Tidsskrift: Gjallarhorn Eiker Historielag Historical Society in Buskerud. Postal adress: Postboks 23, 3321 Vestfossen E-post: historielaget@eiker.org Homepage: http://eiker.org/Linker/EikerHistorielag/ehl00-hovedside.htm Øvre Ådal historielag Historical Society in Buskerud. Postal adress: v/Erik Brekke, 3524 Nes i Ådal E-post: bh@multipro.biz Homepage: http://home.no.net/aadalen/
DIS-Finnmark Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: c/o Ingulf Niskavara, Postboks 354, 9811 Vadsø E-post: epost@fi.disnorge.no Homepage: http://fi.disnorge.no/
DIS-Hedmark Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: c/o Per R Johnsen, Orion 17, 2315 Hamar E-post: epost@he.disnorge.no Homepage: http://he.disnorge.no/ Hedmark Slektshistorielag Historical Society in Hedmark. Postal adress: Åkershagan, 2312 Ottestad E-post: hedslekt@online.no Homepage: http://my.execpc.com/D7/B0/dhinz/dotcom/hedmark/ Historielaget Frederiks Gave Historical Society in Hedmark. Postal adress: v/Bjørn Wegge, 2580 Folldal E-post: fredgave@online.no Homepage: http://home.online.no/~steivang/frederiksgave.htm Solør Slektshistorielag Historical Society in Hedmark. Postal adress: Postboks 152, 2260 Kirkenær E-post: ekvesetb@c2i.net Homepage: http://home.online.no/~olejeast/solslekt/ Sør-Østerdal Slektshistorielag Historical Society in Hedmark. Postal adress: Postboks 278, 2402 Elverum E-post: baekklev@online.no Homepage: http://home.online.no/~baekkev/slektshistorie/startside.htm
DIS-Hordaland Local history club of DIS-Norge in the middle and northern part of Hordaland. Postal adress: DIS-Hordaland, Postboks 1255, 5811 BERGEN E-post: epost@ho.disnorge.no Homepage: http://ho.disnorge.no/index.php DIS Haugaland Local history club of DIS-Norge in the northern part of Rogaland and Sunnhordaland Postal adress: DIS Haugaland, Postboks 418, 5501 Haugesund e-post: epost@ha.disnorge.no Homepage: http://ha.disnorge.no/index.php DIS Kvinnherad Local history club of DIS-Norge in Sunnhordaland Postal adress: v/Hans Ordin Østebø, Skogvegen 1d, 5460 Husnes e-post: hoestebo@online.no Homepage: http://ho.disnorge.no/kvinnherad/ Fana historielag Historical Society in Hordaland. Postal adress: Postboks 399 Nesttun, 5853 Bergen e-post: info@fana.historielag.org Homepage: http://www.fana.historielag.org/ Fjell kulturminnelag Historical Society in Hordaland. Postal adress: v/Else Marie Kind Hevrøy, 5350 Brattholmen e-post: elsemarie@c2i.net Homepage: http://www.havstrilen.no/blimedlem.htm Hardanger historielag Historical Society in Hordaland. Postal adress: v/Øystein Pugerud, 5777 Grimo e-post: post@hardanger-historielag.com Homepage: http://www.hardanger-historielag.com/ Kvam sogelag Historical Society in Hordaland. Postal adress: Nedre Vik 4, 5610 Øystese e-post: post@kvam-sogelag.com Homepage: http://kvam-sogelag.com/ Osterøy Sogelag Historical Society in Hordaland. Postal adress: v/Geir Kleiveland, 5281 Valestrandsfossen e-post: gkleivel@online.no Homepage: http://www.osteroy-sogelag.org/ Radøy Sogelag Historical Society in Hordaland. Postal adress: v/Monrad Kolås, 5939 Sletta e-post: radoysogelag@hotmail.com Homepage: http://www.hist.uib.no/radoy/ Samnanger historielag Historical Society in Hordaland. Postal adress: v/Marita Haugen, Steinsland, 5650 Tysse e-post: historielaget@yahoo.no Homepage: http://www.uib.no/isf/people/tor/Samnanger_historielag/ Sandviken kulturhistoriske forening Historical Society in Hordaland. Postal adress: v/Geir Abelsen, Kystkultursenteret, Bontelabo 2, 5003 Bergen e-post: sandvikenkf@yahoo.no Homepage: http://www.home.no/sandvikenkf/ Øygarden sogelag Historical Society in Hordaland. Postal adress: Øygardsmuseet, 5336 Tjeldstø e-post: kjalvhei@online.no Homepage: http://www.havstrilen.no/blimedlem.htm Åsane historielag Historical Society in Hordaland. Postal adress: Postboks 200 Eidsvåg, 5876 Bergen e-post: aasane.historielag@broadpark.no Homepage: http://digitalarkivet.uib.no/aasane/
DIS-Møre og Romsdal Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: Aud Magnhild Ohnstad, Stien 3, 6440 Elnesvågen E-post: epost@mr.disnorge.no Homepage: http://mr.disnorge.no/ Herøy sogelag Historical Society in Møre og Romsdal. Postal adress: 6080 Gurskøy E-post: arnlgrim@frisurf.no Homepage: http://www.heroysogelag.no/ Hjørundfjord sogelag Historical Society in Møre og Romsdal. Postal adress: v/Jarle Walseth, 6165 Sæbø E-post: jarlwal@online.no Homepage: http://www.hjorundfjord.no/ Romsdal sogelag Historical Society in Møre og Romsdal. Postal adress: Lergrovikvn. 5 B, 6419 Molde E-post: Homepage: http://www.romsdal-sogelag.no/ Stranda sogelag Historical Society in Møre og Romsdal. Postal adress: Movegen 58, 6200 Stranda E-post: ssogelag@start.no Homepage: http://home.no.net/ssogelag/ Sunnmøre historielag Historical Society in Møre og Romsdal. Postal adress: Museum, Borgundgavlen, 6015 Ålesund E-post: shlag@start.no Homepage: http://home.no.net/shlag/
DIS-Salten Local history club of DIS-Norge in Nordland. Postal adress: E-post: epost@sa.disnorge.no Homepage: http://sa.disnorge.no/ Beiarn historielag Historical Society in Nordland. Postal adress: v/Øystein Ringaker, 8110 Moldjord E-post: laila@gabrielsen.no Homepage: http://historielag.beiar.net/ Meløy historielag Historical Society in Nordland. Postal adress: v/Per Swensen, 8158 Bolga E-post: utorsvik@online.no?subjekt=Homepage Meløy Historielag Homepage: http://home.online.no/~utorsvik/meloy/histlag/ Rana historielag Historical Society in Nordland. Postal adress: Postboks 1293, 8602 Mo i Rana E-post: Harry.Bjerkli@nb.no Homepage: http://historielag.monet.no/ Rana Slektshistorielag Historical Society in Nordland. Postal adress: Postboks 1136, 8602 Mo i Rana E-post: Homepage: http://rshl.monet.no/ Saltdal historielag Historical Society in Nordland. Postal adress: v/Kirsten Arnesen (k), Tømmerdal, 8255 Røkland E-post: webmaster@saltdal.historielag.org Homepage: http://www.saltdal.historielag.org/ Sulitjelma historielag Historical Society in Nordland. Postal adress: v/Kjell Lund Olsen, Furulund 39, 8230 Sulitjelma E-post: historielaget@sulitjelma.com Homepage: http://home.no.net/sulis/Histlag/ Vågan historielag Historical Society in Nordland. Postal adress: v/Håkon Brun (k), Åvika 2, 8310 Kabelvåg E-post: info@vagan.historielag.org Homepage: http://www.vagan.historielag.org/
DIS-Nord-Trøndelag Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: DIS Nord-Trøndelag, v/Aud Graadal, Haugskottveien 19,7600 Levanger E-post: epost@nt.disnorge.no Homepage: http://nt.disnorge.no/ Egge historielag Historical Society in Nord-Trøndelag. Postal adress: v/Asbjørn Aasen, Smedbakken 6, 7715 Steinkjer E-post: ehistori@online.no Homepage: http://www.eggehistorielag.net/ Flatanger historielag Historical Society in Nord-Trøndelag. Postal adress: v/Øyvind Mårvik, 7746 Hasvåg E-post: Homepage: http://home.enter.vg/historielag/ Foreningen Gamle Steinkjer Historical Society in Nord-Trøndelag. Postal adress: Postboks 3028, 7709 Steinkjer E-post: koldaas@frisurf.no Homepage: http://www.gamlesteinkjer.net/ Levanger historielag Historical Society in Nord-Trøndelag. Postal adress: v/Ola Indgaard, Flatåsen, 7600 Levanger E-post: ola.indgaaard@c2i.net Homepage: http://www.levanger-historielag.no/ Lånke historielag Historical Society in Nord-Trøndelag. Postal adress: v/Terje M. Julseth, 7570 Hell E-post: julseth@spray.no Homepage: http://www.laanke.com/historielag/historielag.htm Ogndal historielag Historical Society in Nord-Trøndelag. Postal adress: v/Kjell Brandsegg, Brandsegg, 7718 Steinkjer E-post: Homepage: http://www.ogndal.net/historielag/ Overhalla historielag Historical Society in Nord-Trøndelag. Postal adress: v/Magne Ryan (k), 7863 Overhalla E-post: Homepage: http://www.overhalla.kommune.no/fotohist/ Skatval historielag Historical Society in Nord-Trøndelag. Postal adress: Skatval Historielag, 7510 Skatval, Norway E-post: skathist@online.no Homepage: http://www.skatval.no/Historielaget/English/E-forsteside.html Stjørdal historielag Historical Society in Nord-Trøndelag. Postal adress: Postboks 281, 7501 Stjørdal E-post: kjell.pettersson@trondernett.no Homepage: http://www.stjordal-historielag.no/
DIS-Oppland Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: DIS-Oppland, Mosoddv. 7c, 2600 Lillehammer E-post: epost@op.disnorge.no Homepage: http://op.disnorge.no/ Gausdal Historielag Historical Society in Oppland. Postal adress: v/Birgit Hjelmstad, 2653 Vestre Gausdal E-post: Gaushist@frisurf.no Homepage: http://www.gausdalhistorielag.no/ Gjøvik og Toten Slektshistorielag Historical Society in Oppland. Postal adress: v/ Mette Nordengen, Kauffeltsveg 15, 2819 Gjøvik E-post: mette_nor@hotmail.com Homepage: http://www.slektshistorielaget.no/ Jevnaker historielag Historical Society in Oppland. Postal adress: Prestegården, 3520 Jevnaker E-post: oleroen@start.no Homepage: http://www.jevnaker.net/historielaget.html Samarbeidsrådet for historielagene i Oppland Historical Society in Oppland. Postal adress: v/Ole Roen, Loveien 24, 3514 Jevnaker E-post: info@oppland.historielag.org Homepage: http://www.oppland.historielag.org/ Valdres Historielag Historical Society in Oppland. Postal adress: v/Nils Lykken, 2952 Beito E-post: post@valdreshistorielag.no Homepage: http://www.valdreshistorielag.no Vang historielag Historical Society in Oppland. Postal adress: v/Trygve Berge (k), 2975 Vang E-post: vanghist@start.no Homepage: http://home.no.net/vanghist/vh_index.htm Vestoppland Slektshistorielag Historical Society in Oppland. Postal adress: Postboks 266, 2803 Gjøvik E-post: birislek@online.no Homepage: http://www.vshl.no/
DIS-Oslo/Akershus Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: DIS-Oslo/Akershus, Ullevålsveien 1, 0165 Oslo E-post: epost@oa.disnorge.no Homepage: http://oa.disnorge.no/ Bekkelagshøgda lokalhistoriske forening Historical Society in Oslo. Postal adress: Ryenbergvn. 73A, 0677 Oslo E-post: blf@eikaberg.org Homepage: http://home.online.no/~blfblf/ Fellesrådet for historielagene i Oslo Historical Society in Oslo. Postal adress: v/Tom S. Vadholm, Holgerslystvn. 23A, 0280 Oslo E-post: tosvadh@online.no Homepage: http://www.oslohistorie.pair.com/ Groruddalen historielag Historical Society in Oslo. Postal adress: Boks 37 Grorud, 0905 Oslo E-post: styret@grohi.com Homepage: http://www.grohi.com/ Sørkedalen historielag Historical Society in Oslo. Postal adress: v/Astrid Dalin, Lugom/Åmot, 0759 Oslo E-post: historielaget@sorkedalen.org Homepage: http://www.sorkedalen.org/ Ullern historielag Historical Society in Oslo. Postal adress: Postboks 7 Øvre Ullern, 0311 Oslo E-post: swane@online.no Homepage: http://www.ullernhistorie.com/ Uranienborg-Majorstuen historielag Historical Society in Oslo. Postal adress: Tidemandsstuen, Tidemandsgt. 44, 0260 Oslo E-post: umh@start.no Homepage: http://home.no.net/umh/ Vinderen Historielag Historical Society in Oslo. Postal adress: Vinderen, 0319 Oslo E-post: pbache@online.no Homepage: http://www.vinderen.historielag.org/ Vålerenga historielag Historical Society in Oslo. Postal adress: Hedmarksgata 2, 0658 Oslo E-post: vaalerenga.histlag@c2i.net Homepage: http://home.c2i.net/vaalhist/ Østensjø historielag Historical Society in Oslo. Postal adress: Postboks 9 Oppsal, 0619 Oslo E-post: histlag@online.no Homepage: http://www.histlag.pair.com/
DIS-Rogaland Local history club of DIS-Norge in the southern part of Rogaland. Postal adress: DIS-Rogaland, Postboks 704, 4003 Stavanger E-post: epost@ro.disnorge.no Homepage: http://ro.disnorge.no DIS Haugaland Local history club of DIS-Norge in the northern part of Rogaland and Sunnhordaland Postal adress: Postboks 418, 5501 Haugesund e-post: steinar.oddenes@hsh.no Homepage: http://ha.disnorge.no/index.php Slektsforum Karmøy Historical Society in Rogaland. Postal adress: Postboks 135, 4297 Skudeneshavn E-post: slektsforum.karmoy@c2i.net Homepage: http://www.slektsforumkarmoy.no/ Suldal sogelag Historical Society in Rogaland. Postal adress: Suldal Sogelag v/Eva Songe Paulsen, Pb 118, 4239 Sand E-post: evasp@c2i.net Homepage: http://home.no.net/sulsog/ Kopervik og omegn historielag Historical Society in Rogaland. Postal adress: Postboks 375, 4291 Kopervik E-post: edjonne@online.no Homepage: http://www.skole.karmoy.kommune.no/kopervikhistorielag/ Madla historielag Historical Society in Rogaland. Postal adress: Postboks 512 Madla, 4090 Hafrsfjord E-post: Homepage: http://www.madla.net/ir/public/openIndex/view/list_bydel_arena.html?ARTICLE_ID=1059119643438 Rogaland Historie- og Ættesogelag Historical Society in Rogaland. Postal adress: Bergelandsgt. 30, 4012 Stavanger E-post: histori@online.no Homepage: http://home.online.no/~histori/ Sola historielag Historical Society in Rogaland. Postal adress: Postboks 111, 4050 Sola E-post: e-lsande@online.no Homepage: http://www.sola.kommune.no/lokalhistorie/Sola Historielag/IndexSHL.htm Tanangers Minne Historical Society in Rogaland. Postal adress: Risnesbakken 4, 4056 Tananger E-post: tanangers@minne.inbox.as Homepage: http://www.sola.kommune.no/lokalhistorie/TanangersMinne/index_tm.htm
DIS-Sogn og Fjordane Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: E-post: epost@sf.disnorge.no Homepage: http://sf.disnorge.no/
DIS-Sør-Trøndelag Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: Postboks 2820, Elgesæter, 7432 Trondheim E-post: epost@st.disnorge.no Homepage: http://st.disnorge.no/ Byneset Historielag Historical Society in Sør-Trøndelag. Postal adress: v/Inge Olav Berg, 7074 Spongdal E-post: igrostad.online.no?subjekt=Byneset Historielag, Homepage Homepage: http://www.byneset.net/ Oppdal historielag Historical Society in Sør-Trøndelag. Postal adress: v/Kjell Haugland, Engan, 7340 Oppdal E-post: Homepage: http://www.kulturterminalen.no/default.asp?linktype=1&linkid=709 Orkdal historielag Historical Society in Sør-Trøndelag. Postal adress: v/Jarle Almli, Blåsmo, 7320 Fannrem E-post: orkdal.historielag@loqal.no Homepage: http://home.no.net/orkhist/ Rennebu Historielag Historical Society in Sør-Trøndelag. Postal adress: v/Mikkel Myrmo, Stamnan, 7392 Rennebu E-post: mikkel.myrmo@c2i.net Homepage: http://www.rennebu.historielag.org/ Yrjar heimbygdslag Historical Society in Sør-Trøndelag. Postal adress: Austrått gård, 7140 Opphaug E-post: Homepage: http://www.museumsnett.no/yrjarheimbygdslag/ Åfjord heimbygdslag Historical Society in Sør-Trøndelag. Postal adress: v/Tom Rune Breivold, Selnesvegen 1, 7170 Åfjord E-post: rbreivol@online.no Homepage: http://home.no/afjordheimbygd/
DIS-Telemark Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: c/o Liv Marie S. Pettersen, Granheimv. 12, 3720 Skien E-post: epost@te.disnorge.no Homepage: http://te.disnorge.no/ Grenland Genealogy Society (Ættehistorielag) Slektshistorielag i Grenlanddistriktet i Telemark. Postal adress: Grenland Ættehistorielag, postboks 169, 3901 PORSGRUNN E-post: grenland@grenlandslekt.no Homepage: http://www.grenlandslekt.no/ Hjartdal historielag Historical Society in Telemark. Postal adress: v/Leif Skoje (s), 3692 Sauland E-post: llskoje@hotmail.com Homepage: http://www.hjartdalhistorielag.no/ Rauland Historielag Historical Society in Telemark. Postal adress: v/Åsta Østmoe Kostveit, 3864 Rauland E-post: kjelingt@c2i.net Homepage: http://www.rauland.org/raulandhistorielag/support/startside.htm Sauherad historielag Historical Society in Telemark. Postal adress: v/Olav Klever, Tveiten, 3812 Akkerhaugen E-post: klevero@online.no Homepage: http://home.no.net/nneri/ Siljan Historielag Historical Society in Telemark. Postal adress: v/Lars Vaagland, Rustadvn. 30, 3748 Siljan E-post: info@siljan.historielag.org Homepage: http://www.siljan.historielag.org/ Skien Historielag Historical Society in Telemark. Postal adress: Skien Historielag, Postboks 318, 3701 Skien E-post: skien@skienhistorielag.no Homepage: http://www.skienhistorielag.no/ Telemark historielag Historical Society in Telemark. Postal adress: v/Ingvar Skobba, Haugvegen 8, 3800 Bø i Telemark E-post: Homepage: http://www.telemark-historielag.com/
DIS-Troms Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: DIS-Troms, Boks 5355, 9286 Tromsø E-post: epost@tr.disnorge.no Homepage: http://tr.disnorge.no/ Kvæfjord historielag Historical Society in Troms. Postal adress: Postboks 96, 9476 Borkenes E-post: Homepage: http://www.kvafjord.kommune.no/article/articleview/206/1/14
DIS-Vest-Agder Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: DIS - Vest-Agder, v/kasserer Vivi K. Gundersen, Østre Strandgate 49, 4610 KRISTIANSAND S E-post: epost@va.disnorge.no Homepage: http://va.disnorge.no/ Agder historielag Historical Society in Vest-Agder. Postal adress: Postboks 136, 4662 Kristiansand E-post: Homepage: http://www.agder.historielag.org/ Flekkerøy historielag Historical Society in Vest-Agder. Postal adress: Postboks 31, 4679 Flekkerøy E-post: Homepage: http://www.flekkeroy.no/historiela.htm Spind Historielag Historical Society in Vest-Agder. Postal adress: Furu, Espeland, 4550 Farsund E-post: ktfuru@online.no Homepage: http://www.farsund2000.com/FORENING_LAG/SpiHistlag/spihistlag.html Søgne historielag Historical Society in Vest-Agder. Postal adress: v/John Stokkan, Øygarden 2, 4640 Søgne E-post: Homepage: http://www.sgp.no/default.asp?mkat=47 Torridal historielag Historical Society in Vest-Agder. Postal adress: Postboks 41, 4671 Mosby E-post: torridalhistlag@enter.vg Homepage: http://home.enter.vg/torridalhistlag/
DIS-Vestfold Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: c/o Jan Willi Talgø, Nordskogen 16, 3188 Horten E-post: epost@vf.disnorge.no Homepage: http://vf.disnorge.no/ Vestfold Slektshistorielag Postal adress: Karlsen, Leirfjellvn. 2, 3135 Torød E-post: Homepage: http://home.c2i.net/pmbratteli/gjallarhorn/gjallarh.htm Tidsskrift: Gjallarhorn Hedrum historielag Historical Society in Vestfold. Postal adress: v/Odd M. Stokkenes (k), 3282 Kvelde E-post: Homepage: http://folk.uio.no/khunskaa/slekt/historielaget.html
DIS-Østfold Fylkeslag av DIS-Norge. Postal adress: c/o Kari Nicolaisen, Fjellveien 31a, 1678 Kråkerøy E-post: epost@of.disnorge.no Homepage: http://of.disnorge.no/ Borge og Torsnes historielag Historical Society inn Østfold. Postal adress: Postboks 59, 1650 Sellebakk E-post: akaarum@online.no Homepage: http://home.online.no/~akaarum/borge/ Moss Ættehistorielag Historical Society inn Østfold. Postal adress: Høyden, 1522 Moss E-post: tvin@online.no Homepage: http://home.online.no/~tvin/ Rygge historielag Historical Society inn Østfold. Postal adress: Postboks 2092, 1522 Moss E-post: kejo@fredrikstad.kommune.no Homepage: http://www.ryggehistorielag.no/ Skiptvet historielag Historical Society inn Østfold. Postal adress: v/Olav Vyrje, Jacobshaugen, 1816 Skiptvet E-post: Homepage: http://www.skiptvet.kommune.no/object/details/general.asp?objID=794 Østfold historielag Historical Society inn Østfold. Postal adress: Postboks 14, 1713 Grålum E-post: Homepage: http://www.ostfold.historielag.org/
The Norwegian bygdebok is one of the best sources of Norwegian genealogical information. It is a history of a specific community, recording who lived where, and when. It may also include birth, marriage, and death dates; landholdings and chattels; physical descriptions of the farms, buildings, and residents and their possessions; and accounts of historical events. Some may trace family lines back to the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Bygdebøker are published in Norwegian and often do not have indexes. Bygdebooks on internett sorted by county: Akershus.