Jens Andersen Juel
( - ca. 1614)
Jens Andersen Juel died
about 1614 on Halsgaard in Hals, Jytland, Denmark. Jens married Anne
Andersdatter Hals.
Clitgård wrote:
Of Anders Skriver's sons, the most known was Jens Andersen Hals, merchant
and alderman in Aalborg who died 1627 in Marstrand, to where he fled
when the imperial troops advanced toward Aalborg. Reference is made
to him in A. H. Nielsen's: "Embeds- og Bestillingsmænd i
Aalborg", page 128, addenda to the same book, as well as D. H.
Wulff's: "Jens Bang og Lassen og Raschs Stamtavle over den norske
Familie Hals", however, it should be noted that more recent investigations
by archivist Finne Grøn have shown that this family does not
descend from the alderman, but from his brother , who was also called
Jens Andersen, but he used the family name Juel.
(See the info from the book: "Vester Brønderslevs historie"
He lived on Halsgaard and was the Crown's
bailiff (Kronens Delefoged) for Aalborghus in the period 1600-1613 and
possibly even before that time. It is mentioned in the cadastre (Jordebøgerne)
for the period 1609-13 that "Jens Andersen Juel who lives in Hals
has been exempted from paying rent of the land because he is the bailiff
in the judicial district of Hals" "Jens Andersen Juell boendes
udi Hals haver hans Gaards Landgilde fri, for hand er Delefoged i forskrevne
Hals Birk".
He must have died ca. 1614 since the
accounts from May 1st 1614 to May 1st 1615 states that Niels Jensen
took over the Stedsmaal for Halsgaard after the death of Jens Andersen.
A tombstone in the nave of the church in Hals commemorate him and his
wife Anne Andersdatter, but the year of his death is not mentioned,
whereas it shows his mark.
His widow was then married to Niels Jensen
Skjelvig (Schelwig, Skielwig etc.), died 1631, who also bailiff (Delefoged)
here and he is perhaps the Niels Jensen, who in 1609-13 was bailiff
(Birkefoged) here. He leased Hals Kongetiende 1617-18 and on May 16th
1620 (perhaps his wedding day) he and his wife donated a communion table
to the church in Hals, or he had arranged the ornamentation of the communion
Jens Andersen Juel and Anne Andersdatter
Hals had the following children:
Anders Jensen
Hals, alderman in Ystad in Sweden, and from whom the Norwegian family
descends, he died in 1667.
2. Niels Jensen Juel
3. Knud Jensen Juel, bailiff in Hals district, appeared in Aalborg court
(paa Aalborg Ting) June 18th 1632 on behalf of his brother Anders Jensen
as creditor in the estate of alderman Jens Hals, he was alive 1661,
when he is mentioned in the census-paper (Hovedskattemandtallet) as
a widower, none of the children had died before the brother in Ystad,
and his heirs were listed as living in Hals.
4. Birgitte Jensdatter, married to Christoffer Christensen from Ulsted.
5. Anne Jensdatter, who 12. March 1630 had her servant's character book
witnessed in Hals court (Birketing) as she was probably about to leave
the district.
From the book "Vester Brønderslevs
historie", page 217:
"Den foran nevnte rådmann
Jens Andersen Hals i Aalborg hadde vært værge for sin søstersønn
Anders Jensen Juel, som kalte seg Hals og var rådmann i Ystad,
og da denne hadde sin federne arv tilgode hos morbroderen, fikk han
fra dennes bo utlagt "5 Tdr. Bygskyld af Krogen", hvilken
part han den 12. Juni 1635 skøtet for 250 slettedaler til herredsfogde
Peder Jensen Kjærulf, som den 24. Nov. 1636 ble dømt til
å betale kjøpesummen osv". 1)
Carl Klitgård, Kjærulffske studier (1914 P. Hansens bogtrykkeri
Vester Brønderslevs historie, side 217.

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