Anders Jensen Kjærulf
(1523 - 1589)
Anders Jensen Kjærulf (Anders Skriver)
was born in 1523 on Lendum Mark in Halne, Jytland, Denmark. He died
July 24 1589, on Kornumgaard, Hals, Jytland. He was son of Jens
Andersen Kjærulf and a Gjertrud.
Anders Skriver married Anne
Andersdatter Kjærulf.
Anne Andersdatter Kjærulf
was married to Anders Skriver (see page 11) on Hals Fogedgaard,
but she is probably not the Anne Andersdatter, who obtained from
abbot Anders Andersen in Vidskøl Kloster a lease for life
on this farm, with royal assent on 15. Aug. 1558. It is stated
in the lease i.a. that she should improve the dilapidated farm,
and she was not to remarry without the consent of the abbot.
Anders Skriver was perhaps the
son of Jens Kjærulf in Halne (see page 10), and is mentioned
in the ministers report from V. Brønderslev 1568 as the
owner of 3 small properties (Bol) in the parish, which he presumably
had aquired by marriage . In 1580 he became a member of a lodge
(Guds Legems Lav) in Aalborg, he died 24. July, 1589 and is together
with his wife buried south of the font in the floor of the choir
in Hals church.
His mark (Bomærke)
is seen on the tombstone. His wife survived him and died perhaps
on Kjærsgaard (in Hellevad parish). |
couple had according to Dyrskjøt 2 sons and 2 daughters
"til Alders" - "all grown up". But not according
to "Vester Brønderslevs historie".
Kjærulf' Coat of Arms
1. Jens Andersen Hals. Of Anders Skriver's
sons, the most known was Jens Andersen Hals, merchant and alderman in
Aalborg who died 1627 in Marstrand, to where he fled when the imperial
troops advanced toward Aalborg. Reference is made to him in A. H. Nielsen's:
"Embeds- og Bestillingsmænd i Aalborg", page 128, addenda
to the same book, as well as D. H. Wulff's: "Jens Bang og Lassen
og Raschs Stamtavle over den norske Familie Hals", however, it
should be noted that more recent investigations by archivist Finne Grøn
have shown that this family does not descend from the alderman, but
from his brother , who was also called Jens Andersen, but he used the
family name Juel. (See the info from the book: "Vester Brønderslevs
historie" below.)
Anne Andersdatter
3. Johanne Andersdatter, she lived 1630
in Sæby.
4. We do not know the name of the third
daughter, but she was dead before 1630 and seems to have been married
to an Anders .......... with whom she had 5 daughters, of which one
in 1630 was married to Niels Ludvigsen in V. Halne (see page 12), another
with Anders Laursen Kjærulf in Bjørnskjær, a third
with Søren Rasmussen in Stade in the parish of Serridslev (see
the Østbjerg Line), a fourth with Søren Andersen Kjærulf
in V. Brønderslev (see the Holtet Line) and the fifth - Johanne
Andersdatter - was unmarried in 1630 and Niels Ludvigsen in Vestergaard
was her guardian.
From the book "Vester Brønderslevs
historie", page 217:
"Den foran nevnte rådmann
Jens Andersen Hals i Aalborg hadde vært værge for sin søstersønn
Anders Jensen Juel, som kalte seg Hals og var rådmann i Ystad,
og da denne hadde sin federne arv tilgode hos morbroderen, fikk han
fra dennes bo utlagt "5 Tdr. Bygskyld af Krogen", hvilken
part han den 12. Juni 1635 skøtet for 250 slettedaler til herredsfogde
Peder Jensen Kjærulf, som den 24. Nov. 1636 ble dømt til
å betale kjøpesummen. ....". 1)
Carl Klitgård, Kjærulffske studier (1914 P. Hansens bogtrykkeri
Vester Brønderslevs historie, page 217.

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