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Kathrine (Hansdatter) Olson (1851 - 1924)

Cathrine Hansdatter was born Aug. 5, 1851(# 140) on Grindheim farm, Moster, Bømlo, Hordaland County, Norway. She died 1924 in Colfax Township, Kandiyohi, Minnesota, United States. She was daughter of Hans Petersen Ersland and Siri Nilsdatter Grindheim. Cathrine Hanson married Lars Olson on Feb. 7, 1874 in Norway Lake, Kandiyohi, Minnesota, United States. They had many children. Here is a link to their daughter Sina Amanda. See the rest of the children in her Find A Grave below.

Sina Amanda Larson, b. Apr. 2, 1877, d. May 3, 1976, m. Apr. 14, 1899, Albert N. Thorson.

Her first name are written as Cathrine, Kathrine etc in the sources. Her last name are written Hansdatter, Hanson, Olson etc. in the sources.

Cathrine's christening was held Aug. 26, 1851(# 140) in the Old Moster Church.

In the 1865 census Katharine Hansdatter was living on upper Grindheim farm together with her parents and her brother.

Kathrine emigrated to America together with her parents and sibling's. They departed from Bergen, Norway May 20, 1869 with the bark Lyna and arrived in Quebec, Canada June 13, 1869. Passenger List. See # 69-73.

In the 1880 census "Lars Olesen"was living in Colfax Township, Kandiyohi, Minnesota, United States together with his wife Chatrine and 2 children. Lars was a farmer.

In the 1895 census "Lars Olsen" was living in Colfax Township, Kandiyohi, Minnesota, United States together with his wife Catrine and 6 children.

Her obituary, clip and past from Willmar tribune. Pub. Date 26. mars 1924.


Funeral Services Held Last Monday
Were Largely

The funeral services for Mrs.
Kathrine Olson were held from the
home in Colfax township last Monday
at 1:30 p. m. and at about 2:30 from
the Crow River church. Rev. Sigurd
Olsen conducted the services at the
home in the Norwegian language and
also spoke in the English language
at the church. Rev. H. O. Svare
conducted the services at the church
in the Norwegian language.

The death of this estimable woman
brief notice of which was made in
last weeks Tribune, was no doubt
hastened by a fractured knee which
she sustained in an accident at her
home about three weeks ago. As
the injury was causing her considerable
pain, she was taken to the Broo-
ten hospital a week ago last Monday
for aid and on Wednesday evening
death came at about 7:30 o’clock as
the result of pulmonary embolism.

Mrs. Olson was born at Mostero,
Norway and was 72 years of age on
the 9th of last August. She came
to America with her parents when
about eighteen years of age and the
family, settled in Norway Lake township,
Kandiyohi County. About four
years later she was united in marri-
age to Lars Olson and nine children
were born to their union. The oldest
child died in infancy and another
son, Henry Larson, was claimed by
death about four years ago. The
children who survive her are Mrs.
Albert Thorson and Claus Larson of
Colfax township; Reuben and Clara
Larson, at home; Edward Larson, of
Belgrade; Mrs. Albert Ahlberg, of
Willmar, and Mrs. Theo. Gunderson,
of New London. Her husband preceded
her to the grave about twentyfive
years ago.

The funeral services were largely
attended by old neighbors and friends,
both from town and country,
as the deceased was held in high
esteem by all who knew her. Among
those from out of town who attended
the funeral were Mrs. Anna Borden,
a sister of the deceased; Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Borden, Mrs. John Keller,
Mrs. August Moedie and Ben Borden,
of Minneapolis, and Mr. and
Mrs. Anton Borden, of Litchfield.
Mrs. Olson was a loving mother, a
good neighbor and a sincere and de- j
voted member - of her church. Her
death is sincerely deplored and the
sorrowing children have the sympa- j
thy of all in their bereavement.

Those who bore the remains to i
their final resting place were C.
Austen, T. Litte, O. A. Olson, John
Odland, Albert Thompson and C.
Knutson.—Belgrade Tribune.

Her gravestone in Find A Grave.

1) Bømlo Bygdebok IV, Moster, p. 295.
Finnås sokneprestembete, SAB/A-99925/H/Ha/Haa/Haaa/L0007: Parish register (official) no. A 7, 1850-1862, p. 7.
1865 Census for Finnås.
Census 1880.
Census 1895.
Willmar tribune. Pub. Date 26. mars 1924.
Find A Grave.